Saturday, February 18, 2012

Update & Commitment to Loveliness Week 1

February has been flying by. We have been pretty busy but I am finding that is the norm for us during this season of life. Just when I think I am adjusting we are thrown for a loop. First Hubby came down with a cold that hit him pretty hard. This week Ice Man came down with RSV. Both girls have varying degrees of colds. Glory to God they are all on the mends.

I thought I would join in with Mat. Emily in posting 5 goals. I could defianetly use this to get back on track.

1. Laundry. I need to work on getting laundry caught up.

2. Call a friend from back home in AZ.
3. Clean house. With all the sickness going on a good "spring cleaning" needs to be done.

4. Plan activities for the kids to do during lent. Last year we did a my journey to Pascha.

5.  Patch hubby's cassock.


  1. Hello and happy February to you! Patching up your husband's cassock? He could do it! I do love to sew. I'm just not that good at patching.

  2. It was a small snag so I am praying that it will be easy to do. I would love to learn how to sew. Especially skirts for myself and the girls.
